Palo Santo Shaman’s Tradition
Palo Santo wood has been used for thousands of years by Shamans and Healers among the Inca population. This "Holy Wood" is a part of their ceremonies and healing rituals. It provides energetic protection, and removes bad energies. Palo Santo…

Summer Solstice 2012 & Litha
June 20th marks the summer solstice and the beginning of summer. In the Northern Hemisphere this is the day that has the longest hours of daylight. Conversely, it also marks the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, with its seasons running…

The Phurba is a triple side Tibetan ritual tool. Each side represents one of the spirit of the world. The three blades of the phurba symbolizes the overcoming or cutting through of the three root poisons: ignorance, desire, and hatred. The three…

Experience the Serenity within Yourself
Experience the Serenity within Yourself: Calmness and meditation has a great significance in the spirituality. In the ancient times, people understood the importance of meditation and calmness in the life. Hence, they had made many products…

June’s Birth Gemstone
June’s Birth Gemstone is Moonstone. It is a scared stone in India, and ancient Romans believed the stone was made from moonlight. It is said that if you give your lover a piece of moonstone jewelry during a full moon, your relationship will…