The Perils of Political Correctness During the Holiday Season
This is the time of year when many cultures and traditions celebrate important holidays. In recent years, it has become customary to use the expression “Happy Holidays” as an all-inclusive greeting. Although the intentions are good and…

The Meaning of a Resolution
As the end of the current year approaches; many start to turn their eyes to the promise that January brings. There's nothing quite like a new calendar and a new year to inspire optimism, even if it's only fleeting. Although “New Year's…

Misconceptions About Wicca
Witchcraft and Wicca are often falsely portrayed by the media, resulting in many myths and misunderstandings. In recent times, Wicca in particular has been misrepresented, and portrayed in unfavorable ways. Let's look at some of the common…

The True Meaning Behind Halloween
Ah, it's October and many people are anxiously anticipating the joy of fall weather and the buildup to the Halloween festivities. Halloween is a much-loved holiday throughout many countries of the world. It has taken its shape from a long line…

Metaphysical Products and Practices that Promote Peace
Are you looking to welcome more serenity into your world? Do you have visions of acceptance and grace among people everywhere? Many traditions have taught us that peace begins at home, by fostering understanding and developing compassion for…

How to Find Peace From Within
Is it really possible to find peace within yourself, not for just fleeting moments, but real lasting peace? Actually, yes it is. Inner peace is a series of choices and habits that can be recognized, developed and put to use whenever you need. …

The growing interest in ayurvedic medicine in the West
The growing interest in ayurvedic medicine in the West.

Ways to Destress at Work
Do you find yourself feeling tense at work? Do deadlines, co-workers or other issues create a disagreeable environment? Stress in the workplace is very common and it leads to a variety of problems including decreased satisfaction and productivity.

Relax Daily – A Step-by-Step Guide to Add Relaxation to Your Daily Routine
When most people think of relaxing, images of vacations, or unwinding after a hard day at work come to mind. While these are certainly great times to get away from it all and get refreshed, that isn't enough to battle the ravages of stress on…

How to Find Happiness
This is the question every person on the planet has likely pondered at various points in life. How do I find happiness? It is often an elusive answer, one that takes a long time to discover, but once you know the secret to true joy, it becomes…